
‘Living The Dream’ is the official anthem for the UNPLUGGED Festival

‘Living The Dream’ is the official anthem for the UNPLUGGED Festival

‘Living The Dream’ is the official anthem for the UNPLUGGED Festival created by the Just BGRAPHIC youth (JBG All Stars) under the mentorship a few premier musicians out of Toronto. A team of music industry experts along with our community partner Promoting Education And Community Health (P.E.A.C.H) worked with a select few from the JBG performing arts program to craft this anthem.

This is a video of the artist who participated in the project and their comments ont he process and experience.

For more information visit https://justbgraphic.org

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Toronto District School Board
Laidlaw Foundation
City of Toronto – Arts and Culture
F-You Project (Forgive You)
106 and York
Do Dat Entertainment
Apatha Music
Firebox Management

Produced by: S7 Video Productions http://s7videoproductions.com
